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来源:http://www.sdzzfs.com/ 日期:2020-01-16

  学生校服定做 中蕴含着许多育人功能,既可以展示学校文化,又能开展美誉教育、礼仪教育。现在不少校服的款式和质量不尽如人意,于是人们开始呼吁校服多样化发展,这也是个性化教育的一种体现。
  There are many educational functions in students' school uniform customization, which can not only display school culture, but also carry out reputation education and etiquette education. At present, many school uniforms are of unsatisfactory style and quality, so people began to call for diversified development of school uniforms, which is also a reflection of personalized education.
  To this end, Gu Yuanyuan, a teacher of Beijing Institute of fashion, who is engaged in the research of clothing in primary and secondary schools, believes that this is actually going from one extreme to another. If the school uniform is too personalized and provides many choices for students to choose at will, then it is difficult to reflect the overall image of the school.
  "In fact, it's OK to make the uniform more beautiful." Gu Yuanyuan more agreed with the "1 + n" school uniform model, that is, the school launched a series of "basic configuration", such as sportswear, uniforms in different seasons, and provided some clothing accessories for students to choose independently, such as scarves, socks, sneakers, which have the same design concept as the basic school uniform.

  这样既能让学生爱穿校服,又能有个性选择的空间。总之,学生校服定做 “并非越个性越好”。除了吸湿排汗性能外,运动服装选择化纤面料的另外一个原因是这类异形截面的化纤面料具有不易贴身的特性。
  In this way, students can not only love to wear uniforms, but also have the space of personality choice. In short, students' school uniform customization "is not the more personality the better.". In addition to the moisture absorption and perspiration performance, another reason for choosing chemical fiber fabric for sportswear is that this kind of chemical fiber fabric with special cross-section is not easy to fit.
  When the chemical fiber is processed into a special section, its own bending modulus increases, so it is not easy to get close to the body after moisture absorption, and it will not make the skin feel wet.



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