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来源:http://www.sdzzfs.com/ 日期:2020-11-24

幼儿园园服定制面料、辅料品质优良,符合客户要求,大货生产前与客户确认样衣,款式配色按双方确认之样衣或图片。校服订做尺寸及颜色在允许的误差范围内,园服定制做工精良。 园服定制产品干净、整洁、品相好,校服订做包装美观、配比正确、纸箱大小适合、适于长途运输。
The customized fabrics and accessories of kindergarten clothes are of good quality and meet the requirements of customers. The sample clothes shall be confirmed with the customers before the production of large goods, and the styles and colors shall be in accordance with the samples or pictures confirmed by both parties. The size and color of school uniform are within the allowable error range, and the garden uniform is well customized. School uniform custom-made products are clean, tidy, good quality, school uniform custom-made packaging is beautiful, the proportion is correct, the size of the carton is suitable for long-distance transportation.

If the customer has no special requirements, the color fastness of the fabric is required to reach at least: washing fastness: single washing fastness: 3-3.5 grade; tacking fastness: 3-3.5 grade; rubbing fastness: dry rubbing 3-3.5; wet rubbing: 2.5-3; light fastness: 4.
The customized color of kindergarten clothes should be accurate, and the color difference between the color of large goods and the color of confirmed color should be at least 3.5 level, which should be confirmed by customers. School uniform custom-made face cloth and lining of the same color, color difference is not less than 3.5 grade.
The customized fabric of kindergarten clothing requires accurate composition ratio, uniform yarn count density, woven fabric to meet the density required by customers, and knitting fabric requires the weight error within ± 5%. If there is no specific regulation on the size change of school uniform, it is required that all fabrics should be controlled within 3% of the maximum error in each direction after 5 times of general cleaning, and within 2% in each direction after 3 times of dry cleaning. If the customer requests that the sample clothes made according to the school uniform provided exceed the scope of market supply, we need to communicate and solve separately.



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